SEO for Wix: Top 6 Myths Recruiters Should Never Believe
One of the advantages of Wix over other content management systems (CMS) and website builders is that it allows you to create your site even if you don’t have extensive coding knowledge or experience. As a recruiter, this can be beneficial to you as it enables you to start building an online presence without spending time learning the intricacies of web design.
However, any digital marketing expert will tell you that merely having a recruitment site is not enough. With so many recruitment websites in existence today, you should know to separate yourself from the competition. This is why SEO for Wix should be an integral part of your overall marketing strategy.
Are These Wix SEO Myths Accurate?
These days, there are various rumours and myths surrounding Wix and SEO. However, many of them are just that: myths. If you’re considering using this platform to build and manage your site, don’t let hearsay dissuade you. Here are some of the most common myths about Wix SEO you should stop believing.
1. Google prefers major CMSs such as WordPress
WordPress is one of, if not the most popular content management system today. This has led many to believe that because of its popularity and considerable market share, Google must be giving it preferential treatment.
This could never be further from the truth. Google doesn’t consider a website’s CMS when it ranks sites because its algorithm doesn’t let it distinguish between site builders and content management systems. What’s important to Google is a website’s content and the quality of user experience it can provide its visitors. This basically means that it doesn’t matter to the search giant whether you’re using Wix or WordPress.
2. Wix has compatibility issues with Google
Some people believe that Wix has a design flaw that makes it not compatible with Google. Therefore, if you choose this platform, you’re placing your recruitment site at a significant disadvantage since most web users utilise Google in their online search.
Fortunately, Google Developer Advocate Mariya Moeva has put an end to this issue once and for all. According to her, there is no truth to Wix not being compatible with Google. She even assured Wix site owners that they would immediately see their webpages on the search giant right after publishing them.
3. Search engines cannot rank Wix URLs
There’s another myth that SEO for Wix is unreliable because the site builder has disorganised and messy URLs, which Google and other search engines “refuse” to crawl and rank. While it is true that search engines favour organised and accessible URLs, it doesn’t mean that they won’t crawl and index those that are composed of random letters and numbers.
Also, the issue with Wix’s messy and long URLs was solved a long time ago. Similar to WordPress, Wix now allows site owners to edit and customise URLs. With this, you can add your focus keywords to your permalinks to boost your recruitment site’s SEO.
4. Wix websites often suffer from slow loading times
Having a speedy recruitment site can give your business an advantage. Not only is it a vital Google ranking factor, but it also prevents visitors from leaving your site immediately. While it is true that websites made with Wix used to struggle with slow loading times, it isn’t the case anymore. The platform’s development team has already fixed the problem.
If you’re using Wix and you want to improve your page loading speed, consider upgrading to the ad-free version. This should get rid of the advertisements that usually prevent webpages from loading quickly.
5. Wix isn’t mobile-friendly
A Google study revealed that 76% of people who conducted a mobile search ended up visiting the business they found within 24 hours. The same study showed that 28% of those searches result in the web user buying a product or service. This is why some business owners are reluctant to use Wix. They think that the platform is not optimised for mobile devices and would cause them to mix potential traffic and leads.
Similar to WordPress and other major CMS, Wix has good mobile capabilities. This means your site will be rendered accurately no matter what device your visitors are using. If you want to make sure that your recruitment site is mobile-friendly, you also can hire web developers to make the necessary improvements.
6. SEO for Wix costs more
Contrary to popular belief, using Wix to create an online space for your recruitment business is not that expensive. As discussed earlier, you can build your site from scratch without having coding knowledge or experience. There are also many SEO experts, like us here at Recruitment Traffic, who provide quality services at very reasonable rates.
This means you can optimise your Wix site for Google and other search engines without having to spend a significant amount of money.
Your Preferred CMS Doesn’t Affect SEO
Google doesn’t distinguish between CMS and site builders. The search doesn’t care whether you’re using Wix or another content management system to build or manage your recruitment site. As long as you’re complying with its guidelines and providing visitors with valuable content and quality user experience, you can expect a better search ranking from Google.
Need help optimising your Wix site for search engines? You can count on us at Recruitment Traffic to provide the SEO services you need. Please speak with us today, and let’s discuss ways to boost your site’s performance and search rankings.
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