Recruitment SEO Tips: How to Attract and Engage More Candidates
Lack of online traffic and candidate conversion are the critical issues that trouble many recruitment sites today. However, even with the stiff competition, it’s always possible for a small recruitment website to outrank even the larger ones. It may take some planning, but you can engage more candidates if you implement the right strategy. Your success in providing qualified candidates can also attract more clients for your business. This is the reason your recruitment website requires an effective SEO strategy. This article contains some useful recruitment SEO tips you can use.
Applicable SEO strategies for recruitment
1. Find the keywords that candidates use in their job searches
Keywords will help your recruitment website appear in the search engine results. So when a candidate searches for a job using your pages, keywords play a critical role in your site’s success.
To find suitable words and phrases for your recruitment board, consider using the tools from Google (Keyword Planner) or Bing (Keyword Research Tools). They help you gauge the popularity and competitiveness of your chosen keywords. Then you can decide if it’s worth the effort to include it within your content.
2. Ensure that your site content is helpful and truthful
If you want your message to reach both your potential candidates and clients, you need to communicate it effectively. Impress them with words and stir their emotions. However, don’t mislead them or make statements that you can’t fulfil. Your content should be something that readers can trust.
3. Include local SEO in your recruitment strategy
Recruitment websites can reach anyone in the world. However, if you’re offering jobs in a specific location, make sure to use local SEO. Even if you’re offering jobs all over the country, it’s essential to create pages specifically for local employment. It can help attract candidates living nearby, especially if they are the ones that the client prefers.
4. Write a job description that candidates will find relevant and trustworthy
Job descriptions can persuade candidates if the position is the right one for them. Many recruiters don’t mind copy-pasting the posts from other sites offering similar positions. However, since the content has already been published, Google may flag your site for plagiarism. To avoid possible penalties, you need original and relevant job descriptions.
5. Share the job postings in various social media channels
Aside from search engines, social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, are also essential in your recruitment efforts. You can persuade site visitors to ‘Like’ or ‘Share’ your page and spread it to other potential candidates and clients. With social media, you can build relationships with your target audience. Another great thing about obtaining shares in social media is the cost – it’s free.
6. Optimise job listings based on your candidate’s preferences
Here’s one of the most crucial recruitment SEO tips you should consider. As a recruiter, you need to optimise your page based on your candidates’ taste and preferences. Of course, you’ll need to conduct some research to find out what those are. Once you have them, make sure to include them in the description.
For instance, if you’re posting an accountant’s position in London, you need to know how candidates will use the search engines to find your pages. People from certain regions may have specific styles in entering queries in search engines. If this is the case, you need to know what your potential candidates will likely use so you can obtain more visits.
7. Adopt your competitors’ successful strategies
You don’t have to rely solely on your SEO efforts to attract candidates to your website. You can study and learn about your competitors’ strategy. Identify the keywords they are targeting and determine the SEO tactics they are using. Identify what works and then create a much better version of it for your own campaign.
8. Boost the loading speed of your recruitment website
Candidates actively looking for jobs are likely to avoid slow loading websites. After all, they have plenty of recruitment websites to visit. Make sure that your site’s loading speed should take no more than three seconds. Every second after that increases the risk of candidates leaving before they take a look at your job pages.
9. Build links to increase your site’s authority
Backlinks can enhance your recruitment site’s reputation and increase its online traffic. However, always prioritise quality over quantity. If one low-quality website is linked to you, Google may penalise you for such backlinks.
10. Include an FAQ page
You should be able to convince candidates to stay on your site long enough for them to give you their contact details or join your talent pool. One effective way to ensure that they will stay longer is by creating a FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) page.
If you have an FAQ section, make sure it will answer all the candidate’s typical queries. This enables you to provide job seekers with the information they need. At the same time, it helps convince them to sign up for your services.
Take Away
Search engine optimisation is a useful technique for boosting online traffic and attracting candidates to your recruitment website. It can help you become visible to the right audience: potential candidates and clients. To help you in this quest, you’ll need to know what keywords and content to use. Keywords help attract your target audience. Meanwhile, content is useful for engaging and gaining the trust of your readers – candidates and clients.
Planning and implementing the right SEO strategy, however, will require expertise and experience. If you need help with your optimisation, consider reaching out to us here at Recruitment Traffic. We can aid in your recruitment effort by providing you with insights and advice on how to improve your site’s ranking and increase your business.
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